Last night I was looking around and found (miraculously) the source was Carla Ten Eyk (via Gypsy Purple Home on tumbler which is also Gorgeous!!! and worth a peek..)
I only visited New Orleans once, but what a fabulous place it was ... full of French history and architecture - just LOVED it.
Enjoy the post and original source of this glamourous shot ...
New Orleans wedding photo shoot
What started out as an idea between
friends and colleagues blossomed into one of the craziest and most
rewarding experiences of my professional career. That seed of an idea
started with me, then my girl Candice from Jubilee Events, then we added our amazing videographer Tom Morlock from Vantage Point Films... and then one by one more vendors/friends joined in the fun… Beth Chapman from The White Dress by the Shore, Tony from Datura A Modern Garden; Jennie Fresa and
Nedelyn for beauty and hair… rounding out the group was Candice’s
assistant Diana, my Studio Manager and BFF Dominique, Our studio
Associate Photographer Katie Slater and our guest photographer and regular monthly photo shoot helper Sara from Growing Tree Photography.
In New Orleans we had:
Sucre with their delectable desserts
and musical stylings by the awesome Dr. Jazz
So when in New Orleans, you do as they do: you try The Famous Hurricane at Pat O’Brien’s
and that’s all I’m gonna say about that.

Here Tom and Mark, Beth Chapman’s
husband, take in the scene; Katie Slater and Dominique get the beautiful
bouquets from Datura photographed

Jennie touches up Rocio, one of our amazing and beautiful models

We jsut love shooting each other
shooting! Dominique is on shoe standby in case they fall from the hedge-
Sara shoots the image on the right, and Katie Slater shoots Sara
shooting me shooting the shoes! You follow?

Dominique is working that reflector while I am working my ABS! This beautiful gown courtesy of Connecticut’s own Modern Trousseau

The Fantastic Cornstalk Fence Hotel
right in the Quarter was our home base for the first part of our shoot-
big thanks to Louis for letting us set up camp there and for letting us
have the run of the property!!

Adrienne, one of our other models, gets some love from Jennie and Nedelyn

Yeah, that’s right. That is indeed a flower hat.

I love how Tony just fits right in the French Quarter walking around with a huge bucket of flowers, like it’s nothing!
Beth works the details, while I work the rain

Binder clips are our best friend

So after our shoot at the Cornstalk Fence
Hotel, we headed a few blocks over to Royal Street where the street was
very conveniently blocked off- and so we set our scene

At any given moment during the day we had
crowds of people watching what we were up to! Good thing I was in the
ZONE or I would have been distracted and intimidated!!

Candice, Me and Katie look pretty happy! Tom just looks bored!

Enter: Dr. Jazz!!! They were the
highlight of our shoot, they added such a fun and unique element to
everything and well, it certainly was awesome to work with some music

And then came the RAIN!! Now, I have been
known to talk some major smack about shooting in the rain, trust me I
know many people who were maybe a little happy to hear that it was going
to rain for my shoot! ‘That’ll learn HER!’ LMAO.
Well, it learned me all right- how to
have FUN!! The timing couldn’t have been better- we were at the tail end
of our shoot- everything was running like clock work, I swear!! We had
zero problems everything went off without a hitch!
And then the sky just about opened up on us!!

Come on, check out my BFF trying to keep me dry! Gotta love those weather proof Nikons!!

The crew!!

What can I say?? This was so amazing,
rewarding and challenging all in the same breath- this whole experience
made me a better photographer, and it made me realize that Hurricanes
are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.
The time, talent and creative energy put
into this shoot was so incredible to be a part of- thank you everyone
for seeing our collective vision as clearly as I could and for standing
by each of us- and bringing your A game!!
Here’s to the next one!!
~ what a fabulous shoot ~