I've never really come up with a 'clever' new years resolution to date. Some people seem to have something fabulous worked out and i'm suspiscious they've been thinking about it for ages, just saving it up for the big day!
When i was younger, the age old 'lose weight' resolution was always at the top of the list, but like most 'diets' it NEVER worked. I would usually give in to hunger pangs about 2 days later and forget the resolution soon thereafter...
If I had to pick one for this year, then it's got to be ... STOP BITING MY NAILS ...I'm just so bad at that.
Seriously though, i think if you want something to change, it doesn't matter what day you choose, but it's got to be a
life decision. Good luck with your resolutions and on that note ....
HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the best for a healthy, happy, fun 2012. ciao x
... the aim... | | |
... the dream ... |
... or just take the easy way out for everything! ... |
HAPPY NEW YEAR ... here comes 2012 ... |
~ happy new year ~