... last year I won a tiny bottle of Moet. I've noticed (
from Pinterest) that Scarlett Johanssen is Moet's current 'it' girl and from further investigation (via google) it would seem Moet has a royal warrant to supply Queen Elizabeth with champagne. very nice ...
still have my Moet in the fridge, (yes, I can't believe it either...) but after seeing these pictures am considering it might have some great health and mental benefits for me... what do you think?
... yes, I'm thinking that too Scarlett ... I'll keep the lid and and make a new ring for myself! what a fantastic idea xx |
... perhaps enjoy a drop in the garden??? |
... looks like it's good for your diet too with strawberries ... yum! |
... goody - goes well with cupcakes too I see ... |
... and this looks like a pretty good after effect ... |
What AM i waiting for??? Throw on my favourite frock, a bit of lippy and pop the cork! ... shall report back when my bottle is empty and let you know how i fared ... nighty night x ;-)
{have you ever had Moet? do tell ...}
~ moet madness ~